Beginning - 1983 ... Challenges for the Future

The early history and growth of the Pastoral Associates of the Archdiocese of Chicago can be attributed to pastoral associates who generously gave their time and shared their talents to form what is now called the Association of Pastoral Associates of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

The small group of non-ordained pastoral associates met for the first time in the fall of 1983 with Father Cletus Kiley of the Personnel Board. Meetings with this small group led to a special invitation to ail pastoral associates working in the Archdiocese to attend a meeting to share and give input for the needs of non-ordained pastoral associates. The response was good. .. forty-eight attended the meeting. This larger group of pastoral associates continued to meet during 1984 and 1985. The group finalized plans to form the Association of Pastoral Associates of the Archdiocese of Chicago at a meeting on August 29, 1985. After a special meeting and discernment process attended by interested pastoral associates, the first Board of PAAC was formed.

Monthly meetings were held and minutes were sent to all PAAC members. All pastoral associates in the Archdiocese were sent a letter inviting them to become members of PAAC. The yearly dues for membership are $35. Membership increased from forty-seven members to 120 in 1991.

The monthly meetings were held at the various parishes of the board members until office space was available at 1300 S. Wabash Avenue. The PAAC board members now meet at 1337 West Ohio Street. Board members usually have a three-year term. Two chairpersons take turns chairing the monthly meetings. All PAAC members are invited to attend a discernment meeting for the selection of new board members. Since 1983 pastoral associates have responded to share their gifts and talents to make the Pastoral Associates of the Archdiocese of Chicago a viable association.

Some Highlights of Progress since 1983

compiled by Sr. Mary ,Andre Gareis, BVM    Spring, 1992

This History is brief and undergoing changes